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Election season is among us - November 3, 2020 is Election Day in the United States. Due to many factors, the 2020 Election is different.  All persons who are eligible to vote should plan their vote.  Please read the information below to help ensure you are able to exercise your right to vote. Please check with your local election office for any changes or updates.


  • To vote in elections in the United States, individuals must be 18 years of age or older. If you are not registered and plan to vote in the 2020 Election, please do so before the deadline in your state. Remember to check your registration status before the deadline.

    • Maryland – deadline to register is Tuesday, October 13, 2020; (online, in-person or mail). Residents may register and vote on Election Day.

    • Virginia – deadline to register, in-person, via mail (post marked) and online is Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    • District of Columbia – deadline to register (must be received) by mail and in-person is Tuesday, October 13, 2020. Residents may register and vote on Election Day.

  • If you are registered to vote, decide how you will vote – Absentee, Mail-in Ballot, Early Voting or In-person. If you wish to vote via Absentee or Mail-in Ballots, please requests your ballot as soon as possible. 

    • Maryland - Local Boards of Election (LBE) determines eligibility for Absentee Ballots, you may have to provide the reason for voting in this manner.  Mail-in Ballots are managed by LBEs, ballots may be sent to all registered voters, others may send ballots only upon request. If you wish to request a mail-in ballot, submit the request to the local election office by the deadline (must be received) Tuesday, October 20, 2020. The timing of mail-in ballots will vary, please be sure to request and complete your ballot and return it as soon as possible upon receipt. You must use the envelope provided with your ballot to mail or hand deliver your voted ballot to your LBE by 8 p.m. on election day or earlier.  You cannot send voted ballots online, by email or fax.

    • Virginia – Request for Mail-in Ballots must be received by your local election office prior to the deadline of Friday, October 23, 2020 by 5:00 p.m. The deadline to apply in-person for an Absentee Ballot is Saturday, October 31, 2020 – application must be completed at the General Registrar’s office.

    • District of Columbia – allows in-person absentee voting 15 days prior to an election (please confirm dates and hours as they may vary depending upon where you live). The District of Columbia will mail all active registered voters a mail-in ballot at their registered address beginning the first week in October.

  • Early voting is determined by states prior to Election Day.  Please be sure to confirm early voting days available to you.

    • Maryland – Monday, October 26, 2020 – Monday, November 2, 2020 (dates and hours may vary depending upon where you live)

    • Virginia – (called absentee in-person voting) Friday, September 18, 2020 – Saturday, October 31, 2020 (dates and hours may vary depending upon where you live)

    • District of Columbia – Tuesday, October 27, 2020 – Monday, November 2, 2020 (dates and hours may vary depending upon where you live)

  • In-person voting on Election Day will be different in 2020. Be sure to have the proper documents necessary to vote in your state. There may be fewer voting locations available which means it may take longer to vote on Election Day. Please plan for possible delays, be patient and continue to practice social distancing.


Please contact your local election office for more information related to Election Season 2020. You may find more information on the websites listed below.




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