7:00 p.m. Tuesdays
How Can We Honor Our Parents/Show We Care?
Exodus 20:12, 2 Samuel 15:7-14
Honor Life
Exodus 20:13, 1 Samuel 26:7-11, 22-25
The Truth of The Ressurection
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
How Do I Know That Jesus Really Rose From The Dead?
MOVING FAITH-FORWARD...Philippians 3:13-14
God Bless,
Rev. Dr. Albert P. Jackson, Senior Pastor
With that we acknowledge the tireless sacrifice of all those who have come before us in order for the us to stand on their shoulders. Many have sacrificially given of their tithes and offerings as well as their talents and time in order for Ebenezer to be that place of hope and healing for the community.
Now as we Move Faith Forward, we pause to Reboot, Refresh, Re-engage, Reconnect, and Raise Our Ceiling in anticipation of a mighty move of God!
Family, the Lord will Bless us even as we are a blessing and I still believe that the best is yet to come!
Pastoral Greetings
143rd Anniversary Pastoral Message
This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it!
It is certainly with an attitude of gratitude that we say, “THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOU’VE DONE FOR US!” Down thru the years the Lord has continued to bless us beyond measure.
Many have been baptized, trained, and even launched into greater ministry from these hallowed walls and we must give thanks.
This is the year of Revitalization, and though change is never easy it is necessary for growth and maturity.