7:00 p.m. Tuesdays
How Can We Honor Our Parents/Show We Care?
Exodus 20:12, 2 Samuel 15:7-14
Honor Life
Exodus 20:13, 1 Samuel 26:7-11, 22-25
The Truth of The Ressurection
1 Corinthians 15:1-8
How Do I Know That Jesus Really Rose From The Dead?
MOVING FAITH-FORWARD...Philippians 3:13-14

Ebenezer Baptist Church
Church Overview
Ebenezer Baptist Church, located in the heart of the City of Alexandria, Virginia at 909 Queen Street, is an African American Baptist Church with a profound legacy. The church has offered more than a century of continued "Kingdom Building" in the same location. We humbly reflect on many of our ancestors who sacrificed to bring us to our present day ministry. We further reflect on an amazing history remembering not to delete the painful moments and struggles of those before us. Ebenezer has continued in their names with a firm commitment because this is our Savior's church. Ebenezer has a heart for the lost and downtrodden. We strive to live out the meaning of our name "Stone of Help." (1 Samuel 7:12)
Our membership is diverse, but consists of primarily African Americans. The congregation ranges in age from early childhood to late nineties, with a heavy concentration in the range of 50-75 years. All converts for discipleship attend new disciple orientation classes, and upon completion of classes receive the right hand of fellowship. Disciples travel to Ebenezer from Suburban Maryland, the District of Columbia, Northern and Southeastern, VA and other surrounding locations.
Ebenezer Baptist Church continues to grow as it meets the needs of the City of Alexandria and surrounding communities. We are moving forward by empowering people to spiritual maturity, by encouraging healthy environments where they can take their next steps in knowing, growing and showing their love of God.
Ebenezer is ideally located approximately 7 miles to Washington, DC, and 5 miles to Maryland's National Harbor. Alexandria is known as a "walking and biking" town, with a "family-friendly" atmosphere. Access to an efficient and clean transit system to Ebenezer is within minutes by foot, bike or car. The Braddock Road and King Street Metro stops are both convenient to the church in addition to several bus stops within a few blocks.
Our doors are always open for guests to join us in our Worship Services; please feel free to visit with us!
Click here for directions.